Hi, I am a CS master student at Fordham University. Currently, I am doing a thesis with Dr. Wenqi Wei, and the topic is related to generative AI robustness. I have one publication about robustness in diffusion model. Check out the CV.

Prior to Fordham, I studied Psychology at University of California, Irvine (UCI), focusing on cognitive ability. Later, been worked as Data Analyst for a short period of time during pandemic, but the limit of that position pushs me to work on something else.

Xirong Cao



I am broadly interested in Research, got little experience on computer vision. But my interests are not important. I might switch interests based on what I will be doing in the future. What matters is how much experience I had on a certain field shared with the future advisors or work partners,


    • Nov 3, 2023

      Attended IEEE TPS conference at Atlanta, US, Nov 1-3. 

    • Sep 20, 2023

      ? ? ? 

    • Aug 20, 2023

      nothing happen 

    • Jul 20, 2023

      anything happen? 

    • Jun 20, 2023


    • May 20, 2023

      curiosity makes you scroll down 



Xirong Cao • Oct 31, 2023

setting up the development environment at different level. such as macOS level setting, terminal level neovim, tmux, alacritty,etc.

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Upload Paper to arXiv

Xirong Cao • Oct 31, 2023

Uploading paper file to arXiv takes some times and steps, this post is a note about how to upload paper to arXiv from overleaf steps by steps.

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